Calibration Great Zero Markers
Mission 8
#01 - Tokotah courtyard
#03 - Tokotah courtyard
#05 - The canyon in front of Kadish Gallery
#07 - Concert Hall
#09 - Steps from the Concert Hall to the wooden bridge
#11 - Concert Hall side of the wooden bridge
#13 - Walk off of the Concert Hall side of the wooden bridge
#15 - Tokotah Rofftop (from Eder Gira Bahro stone)
#17 - Tokotah Rofftop (from Eder Gira Bahro stone) #18 in the background
#19 Ae'gura balcony (from Kadish Tolesa 2nd scope Bahro stone)
#02 - Tokotah courtyard
#04 - The canyon in front of Kadish Gallery
#06 - The canyon in front of Kadish Gallery
#08 - Concert Hall
#10 - Concert Hall side of the wooden bridge
#12 - Concert Hall side of the wooden bridge
#14 - Tokotah Rofftop (from Eder Gira Bahro stone)
#16 - Tokotah Rofftop (from Eder Gira Bahro stone) #17 in the background
#18 - Tokotah Rofftop (from Eder Gira Bahro stone)
#20 Ae'gura balcony (from Kadish Tolesa 2nd scope Bahro stone)